Debris Removal from Rivanna River at Crofton Boat Ramp

RIVANNA RIVER DEBRIS REMOVAL TO BEGIN THIS WEEK - Crofton boat ramp and parking lot closed to all traffic for up to three weeks

CULPEPER — A contractor with the Virginia Department of Transportation has begun mobilizing equipment to remove the large debris pile near the Route 600 (South Boston Road) bridge over the Rivanna River in Fluvanna County.

Crews will access the debris pile via the Crofton boat ramp. The parking lot and boat ramp are closed to all traffic and will remain closed during the work, which is expected to take up to three weeks. Route 600 will remain open during the work.   

VDOT has coordinated the closure with the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and is working with DGIF officials and the Rivanna Conservation Alliance to place signage upstream to warn boaters and paddlers of the debris.  

The work is necessary to avoid significant bridge damage and reduce the risk of flooding during future storms.

In the weeks since the torrential rain in late June, VDOT contract crews have removed debris from numerous locations including Route 614 (Locust Dale Road) over the Robinson River at the Culpeper-Madison county line, Route 649 (Proffit Road) in Albemarle County and Route 621 (Lakota Road) in Fauquier County.