Fluvanna Bingo Card

Bingo Logo

Are you ready to play Fluvanna Bingo? You can download your bingo card. Follow the links below for helpful hints and tips! While you are completing your bingo card, post pictures using #FromFluvanna!

  B I N G O
1 Order delivery

Play disc golf at
Pleasant Grove

Use Library Wi-Fi Call a friend Go outside and get
fresh air
2 Follow Fluvanna
on Facebook
Buy a gift card to a
business #FromFluvanna
Wash your hands 20 seconds Skip a rock in a
river or lake
Donate needed supplies
to Fire and Rescue
3 Read Fluvanna's
Historical Markers
Follow Fluvanna on Instagram Free Space Request a
Fluvanna Sticker
Organize garage,
basement or attic
4 Support a business #FromFluvanna Take a pretty photo outside Take a pet for a walk Walk a Pleasant
Grove Trail
Get take-out
5 Read a digital book
from the library
Check on your neighbors Watch your favorite movie Follow #FromFluvanna
on Instagram
Take a selfie outside a
#FromFluvanna landmark


B1: Order delivery: Check out what businesses are offering delivery on FromFluvanna.org.

B2: Follow Fluvanna on Facebook: Fluvanna's Facebook page regularly posts helpful and informative updates.

B3: Read Fluvanna's Historical Markers: Select Fluvanna on Department of Historic Resources' website to read all of Fluvanna's historical markers.

B4: Support a business #FromFluvanna: Check out places from Fluvanna.

B5: Read a digital book from the library: The Fluvanna Library staff is operating while closed to the public.  You can download items, get something curbside and more!

I1: Play Disc golf at Pleasant Grove: The disc golf course is located by the playground at Pleasant Grove.

I2: Buy a gift card to a business #FromFluvanna: Check out Fluvanna businesses.

I3: Follow Fluvanna on Instagram: Fluvanna's Instagram shares pretty pictures #FromFluvanna.

I4: Take a pretty photo outside: Post it online with #FromFluvanna!

I5: Check on your neighbors: Social distancing is important! You can check on each other from over 6 feet away!! Sometimes we just need a friendly face asking how we are doing.

N1: Use Library Wi-Fi: The Library Wi-Fi is still accessible in the back parking lot.

N2: Wash your hands for 20 seconds: Make sure you properly wash your hands.

N3: Free space: Getting something free is always nice!

N4: Take a pet for a walk: Plenty of natural areas to go for a walk with your favorite pet.

N5: Watch your favorite movie: Social distancing means you can settle in for a movie night in.

G1: Call a friend: Just like your neighbors, a friendly voice checking in always brightens one's day.

G2: Skip a rock in a river or lake: We have three rivers (James River, Rivanna River & Hardware River), two lakes (Ruritan Lake & Lake Monticello) and many ponds to skip a rock on.

G3: Request a Fluvanna sticker: We have thousands of window stickers to handout. You can get one of the Fluvanna logo or of From Fluvanna. Send an email to econdev@fluvannacounty.org to reserve yours.

G4: Walk a Pleasant Grove Trail: Pleasant Grove has 22 miles of trails gives you plenty of options for social distancing.

G5: Follow #FromFluvanna on Instagram: Follow the hashtag #FromFluvanna to keep up with what Fluvanna residents are posting.

O1: Go outside and get fresh air: It is important during social distancing to still be outside to get some fresh air. Just make sure you keep 6 feet between you and anyone else.

O2: Donate needed supplies to Fire and Rescue: Emergency services are always in need of supplies, especially during health crisis. Contact your nearest department for more information.

O3: Organize garage, basement or attic: You know you said you would when you have time...

O4: Get take-out: Fluvanna restaurants are offering take-out. Pick up your favorite treat for dinner in.

O5: Take a selfie outside a #FromFluvanna landmark: Perhaps you take it outside the Pleasant Grove House, or the Historic Courthouse, or Fork Union Military Academy's entrance, or the Old Stone Jail, or the Bremo Slave Chapel, or  the Palmyra Locks, or maybe one we haven't named yet!